Reference list



Below is a reference list of the largest and most important projects, in which specialists of the Institute took part.


Oil-and-gas extraction facilities

Customer Object

Salym Petroleum Development N.V.

  • Development of a section of PCS. Construction at West Salym oil field. Installation of free pipe water knockouts.
2.  «Gazpromneft» JSC
  • Construction of Tsarichanskoye oil field. Preliminary water gathering unit with BPS. Design and detail documentation.
3. «RN-Yuganskneftegaz» LLC.
  • Extension of Preliminary water gathering unit on BPS-4 of Malobalykskoye oil field BPS with Preliminary water gathering unit in the area of cluster 354 of Priobskoye oil field Construction at cluster No.4, 5, 7 Fault-line oil field. Well pad №4 Construction at cluster № 4, 5, 7 Fault-line oil field. Well pad №7 Extension of construction the north part of Malobalykskoye oil field. Well pad №531, 595, 598, 701, 702, 616bis, 622, 623, 624, 600bis, 605bis
4. «Lukoil-Perm» LLC.
  • Construction of Ugutskoye oil field. Preliminary water gathering unit with BPS Modifications of pipelines of Oil and gas production unit-5,8. BPS Modifications of pipelines of Oil and gas production unit-2,3. BPS. Construction of Flare System Unit on BSP-0706. Oil and gas production workshop-7 (within the limits of modernization)
5. “NPO “Ufaneftegasmash” LLC.
  • Full-scale development of packaged unit of initial water separation MUPSV
6. ANK «Bashneft» JSC
  • Upgrading of Preliminary water gathering unit "Uzibash". Design and detail documentation.
  • Upgrading of BPS-605. Design and detail documentation.
  • Construction of oil field im. R. Trebsa. Central Production Facility, field support base, well pads К-4, К-12, К-16
7. «Lukoil Usbekistan Operating Company» LLC.
  • Construction of gas condensate field Adamtash, Gumbulak and Dzharkuduk – Yangi Kizilga in Rep. Uzbekistan . Preliminary Gas Processing unit, de-ethanization gas preparation unit with a BCS.
8. «Gazprom neft Orenburg» CJSC
  • Construction of extra wells of East area of ONGKM (3, 4, 6, 7 stage; 1 and 2 stage of full throughput).
9. «Pechoraneft» JSC
  • Construction of Kolvinsky oil field. Extension. Central Production Facility Construction of cluster of well №№ 1,2,3,11,12 Extension. Kolvinsky oil field Construction of cluster of well №63, №65. Extension. Lekkharyaginskoye oil fiel Construction of cluster of well №140. Extension. Sredne -kharyaginskoye oil fiel
10. «Druzhba neft» LLC.
  • Installation Preliminary water gathering unit
11. «Urengoiskaya gazovaya kompaniya» LLC.
  • Construction of layer BU-17 of Urengoisk gas condensatefield of Ust-Yamsoveisk license area. De-ethanization gas preparation unit with a BCS
12. “SamaraNIPIneft” LLC.
  • «Modification of instrumentation air compressor room at Rostashinskaya OTU». Engineering survey, development of design and detail documentation, support of expert review. Positive  conclusion of an Industrial safety review.



Linear facilities

Customer Object
1. «Gazprom Invest Yug» ZAO
  • Modifications of offshoot pipeline and gas distribution station st.Sovetskaya, p.Lazarevskoye, Krasnodar Krai Modifications of gas pipe line Pochinki-Yaroslavl , offshoot pipeline from Mishkino-Yurgamish-Kurgan to Kurtamish Modifications of line gas pipe «Central Asia - Center 1» and «Central Asia - Center 2» at the section КS «Aleksandrov Gaj» - КS «Privolzhskaya» Modifications of gas pipe line and gas distribution station of Nizhegorodskij industrial units. Modifications of gas pipe line Saratov – Gorkij km 559-km583 Ø 720 mm L=24k.
2. «Udmurtneft» JSC
  • Construction of oil field Karsovajskij. Construction of wells after drilling. Second stage. Oil fiel Mishkinskoye. Construction of wells after drilling. Second stage. Modifications of utility facilities by well workover and well remedial work Oil and Gas Production Division Votkinsk Modifications of Water injection station-2 Oil fiel Mishkinskoye Modifications of BPS-4 from water gathering unit Kirikmasskoye oil field Kirikmasskoye oil field. Construction by changing to maintaining reservoir pressure. Wells 385А, 965, 978, 990, 1553 Mishkinskoye oil field. Construction by changing to maintaining reservoir pressure. Wells1945, 1450, 513, 5003А, 371, 375, 7044, 2152, 2307, 2476
3. ANK «Bashneft» JSC
  • Modifications of infield pipeline Shkapovskoye, Arlanskoye, Yangurchinskoye, Satayevskoye, Znamenskoye, Tujmazinskoye, Tsvetayevskoye, Igrovskoye, Chetirmanskoye, Chernigovskoye, Urshakskoye oil fields
  • Extension of construction of Chetirmanskoye oil field
  • Extension of construction of Yangurchinskoye oil field
  • Extension of construction of Tsvetayevskoye oil field
4. «Yugo-Zapad transnefteprodukt» JSC
  • Main product pipelines «Kuibyshev-Bryansk», DN500. underwater passage over the river P. Voronezh, 704 km (main line). Modifications (2014) Main product pipelines «Kuibyshev-Bryansk», DN500. underwater passage over the river Tsna, 626 km (main line). Modifications (2014) Main product pipelines «Kuibyshev-Bryansk», DN500. underwater passage over the river P. Voronezh, 704 km (main line). Modifications
5. «Gazpromneft-NNG» JSC branch of «Gazpromneft-Muravlenko»
  • Modifications of industry oil pipelines of oil-gas field by the branch «Muravlenkovsneft» Upgrading of industry oil pipelines of oil-gas field by the branch «Muravlenkovsneft» Construction of Archinsk oil field. Preliminary water gathering unit with BPS. Extension of Gas Gathering system of the Kraineye oil field. BCS.
6. «Gazprom transgaz Stavropol» LLC.
  • Full repair of gas pipe line «Novopskov- Aksaj- Mozdok» 114,1 km from 170,8 to 283 km, Ø1020 mm, at the section 192-202 km



Objects of oil and gas processing industry

Customer Object
1. «Gazprom neftekhim Salavat» JSC
  • Modifications of crude storage 10/32, section №10 (Oil refinery plant). Development of design and detail documentation, complex engineering survey, positive conclusion of  Glavgosexpertiza of Russia  (Main Directorate of RF State Expert Review)
  • Development of detail documentation of automatic process control system «Modifications of crude storage 10/32, section №10 (Oil refinery plant)». Development of detail documentation
  • Survey and design work, supply of equipment, commissioning of "System of ozone treatment within wastewater treatment from phenol installations of clearing of sulfide-alkaline drains of the oil refinery and "Monomer" Plant of OJSC "Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat". Technological survey, development of detail documentation, equipment and material supply, commissioning
  • «Review of design layout of the unit of wax loading «Monomer» Plant.  section №20»   Technological survey, development of detail documentation, positive  conclusion of an Industrial safety review
  • Engineering support in implementation of the project 739.10.301-78000 «Increasing of the pipe diameter of a sulphur condensate from block 4/11 to block 4/7». Design supervision
  • Engineering support in implementation of the project 739.11.329-75000 «Installation of water heaters EPVM-60 vol. 119, 122, 115». Design supervision
  • Engineering support in implementation of the project 739.12.351-140 «Pump Flygt NP3171.091 SH53-274-00-1070, 22 kW». Design supervision
  • Development of a Summary Estimate for «Catalytic cracking complex, capacity 1095 t/year» Oil Refinery Price and technological audit,  development of a consolidated estimate calculation
  • Design works for "Technical re-equipment of  CDU / VDU -6". Development of detail documentation, positive  conclusion of an Industrial safety review
  • Engineering-geological and geodetic surveys on the project «Review of design layout of the unit of wax loading «Monomer» Plant.  section №20». Engineering-geological and geodetic surveys
  • Development of technical working project of automatic process control system "Modifications of hydroprocessing unit of diesel fuel L-24-6 (GO-2) section №9 (Oil refinery plant). Removal of compressors"    Development of technical working project of automatic process control system "Modifications of hydroprocessing unit of diesel fuel L-24-6 (GO-2) section №9 (Oil refinery plant). Removal of compressors"
2. “Gazprompererabotka” LLC
  • Development of FEED and PD of helium plant ”Amur GPZ” Development of PD for separation unit and unit for gas measuring, Acid Gas Removal Unit(including amine regeneration unit) and thorough gas drying unit, gas fractionation unit, gas compression and LP gas dehydration units, process condensate stripping, heating and coolant circulation Development of project documentation «Beach landing on the river Zeya» Development of project documentation of rail transport facilities «Rail station «Zavodskaya»
3. UDP “Shurtanneftegaz”
  • Installation of a low temperature separator (LTS) with capacity 12 bln. nm3/year. Development of detail documentation, support of undergoing of expert reviews and approvals.
4. «Ufimskij NPZ» JSC
  •  Isoforming unit. Separation joint of isomerate to close cut fraction
5.  Branch of ANK «Bashneft» JSC «Bashneft- Ufaneftehim»
      Development of Detail documentation for «Modifications of sections 100, 200, 300 of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in fuel production». Development of Detail documentation «Modifications of the block L-35/5 of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons » Development of project and detail documentation for «Modifications of sections 100, 200, 300, 400 delayed coker unit
6.  Branch of ANK «Bashneft» JSC «Bashneft- Novoil»
  • «Bashneft- Novoil»
    Detail documentation, design supervision for the project «Modifications on AGFU-1 unit» Development of project documentation of scope of repair of sulfur removal unit of gascatalytic plant Development of Detail documentation for Modifications of plant fuel system Development of project documentation for Repair of the L-35-11/1000 unit
7.  «Sterlitamakskij neftekhimicheskij zavod» JSC
  • Design of «Production «Agidol-110»
8. «Gazprom Invest Yug» ZAO
  • Modifications of 1 stage of Orenburg GPZ, capacity on gas processing 15 bln. nm3/year