№ |
Customer |
Object |
1. |
Salym Petroleum Development N.V.
- Development of a section of PCS. Construction at West Salym oil field. Installation of free pipe water knockouts.
2. |
«Gazpromneft» JSC |
- Construction of Tsarichanskoye oil field. Preliminary water gathering unit with BPS. Design and detail documentation.
3. |
«RN-Yuganskneftegaz» LLC. |
- Extension of Preliminary water gathering unit on BPS-4 of Malobalykskoye oil field BPS with Preliminary water gathering unit in the area of cluster 354 of Priobskoye oil field Construction at cluster No.4, 5, 7 Fault-line oil field. Well pad №4 Construction at cluster № 4, 5, 7 Fault-line oil field. Well pad №7 Extension of construction the north part of Malobalykskoye oil field. Well pad №531, 595, 598, 701, 702, 616bis, 622, 623, 624, 600bis, 605bis
4. |
«Lukoil-Perm» LLC. |
- Construction of Ugutskoye oil field. Preliminary water gathering unit with BPS Modifications of pipelines of Oil and gas production unit-5,8. BPS Modifications of pipelines of Oil and gas production unit-2,3. BPS. Construction of Flare System Unit on BSP-0706. Oil and gas production workshop-7 (within the limits of modernization)
5. |
“NPO “Ufaneftegasmash” LLC. |
- Full-scale development of packaged unit of initial water separation MUPSV
6. |
ANK «Bashneft» JSC |
- Upgrading of Preliminary water gathering unit "Uzibash". Design and detail documentation.
- Upgrading of BPS-605. Design and detail documentation.
- Construction of oil field im. R. Trebsa. Central Production Facility, field support base, well pads К-4, К-12, К-16
7. |
«Lukoil Usbekistan Operating Company» LLC. |
- Construction of gas condensate field Adamtash, Gumbulak and Dzharkuduk – Yangi Kizilga in Rep. Uzbekistan . Preliminary Gas Processing unit, de-ethanization gas preparation unit with a BCS.
8. |
«Gazprom neft Orenburg» CJSC |
- Construction of extra wells of East area of ONGKM (3, 4, 6, 7 stage; 1 and 2 stage of full throughput).
9. |
«Pechoraneft» JSC |
- Construction of Kolvinsky oil field. Extension. Central Production Facility Construction of cluster of well №№ 1,2,3,11,12 Extension. Kolvinsky oil field Construction of cluster of well №63, №65. Extension. Lekkharyaginskoye oil fiel Construction of cluster of well №140. Extension. Sredne -kharyaginskoye oil fiel
10. |
«Druzhba neft» LLC. |
- Installation Preliminary water gathering unit
11. |
«Urengoiskaya gazovaya kompaniya» LLC. |
- Construction of layer BU-17 of Urengoisk gas condensatefield of Ust-Yamsoveisk license area. De-ethanization gas preparation unit with a BCS
12. |
“SamaraNIPIneft” LLC. |
- «Modification of instrumentation air compressor room at Rostashinskaya OTU». Engineering survey, development of design and detail documentation, support of expert review. Positive conclusion of an Industrial safety review.