The company is interested in unlocking the potential of young professionals and continuously works with students and graduates of universities. More than 25 years of experience of our company has shown that training of highly qualified, motivated, caring professionals is the key to success in the future.
R&DI "PEGAZ" will consider resumes of students with field-specific majors from Ufa universities (Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Bashkir State University) for part-time employment with the possibility of further full-time employment.
Our team welcomes talented, goal-oriented, enthusiastic professionals who share the values of the Institute and are ready to apply their knowledge, experience and capabilities to achieve new heights and ambitious goals.
The company currently has vacancies in the following subdivisions:
If you want to become a member of PEGAZ professional team, you can fill out the resume submission form at the end of this page.
You can also e-mail to or call: +7 (347) 286-28-17 ext. 144 or +7 (917) 382 86 36.