Engineering survey

Engineering survey is one of the priority activities of R&D Institute «PEGAZ». Our company performs all types of engineering surveys, i.e. geodesy, geology, geophysics, hydrometeorology, ecology, laser scanning, the company is fully equipped with the necessary equipment, software and appliances. Engineering research service has highly skilled experts having a long-term experience in large survey organizations of Ufa, who worked at the facilities of PJSC "Gazprom", JSC NK "Rosneft", OJSC AK "Transneft", OJSC "LUKOIL", OJSC ANK Bashneft and other energy companies. Our traditions, constant aspiration to perfection and a wide experience of work in various conditions, effective job arrangement, adaptation to any conditions and requirements of the Customer allow us to offer services of all types of complex engineering researches (including land and air laser scanning), control of construction and a full complex of land management works.

Иллюстрация: Инженерно-геодезические изыскания ПЕГАЗ


Personnel and technical resources allow our company to carry out a full range of geodetic works in the field of researches of the projected linear and site facilities. We have a great experience in carrying out works on various types of areas from impassable marshes and forests to permafrost soils, as well as areas of petrochemical enterprises with underground and above-ground communications. 


The division provides topographic and geodetic materials and data on the local topography, existing buildings and structures for further work and comprehensive assessment of natural and man-made conditions of the construction site, justification of design, construction and operation of facilities.


Our company constantly trains personnel on survey and design norms and rules. This helps the field teams to make design decisions on the location of sites and the passage of routes on their own.

Иллюстрация: Инженерно-геологические изыскания холдинг ПЕГАЗ


Geological division of the engineering survey of R&D Institute «PEGAZ» provides information on geotechnical and geophysical conditions of the area of the projected construction, including terrain, geological structure, seismotectonic, geomorphological and hydrogeological conditions, composition, condition and properties of soils, geological and geotechnical processes, and forecasting possible changes of geotechnical and geophysical conditions as a result of interaction of the projected objects with the geological environment, to obtain necessary and sufficient materials for justification of project preparation of construction, including engineering protection of construction objects and environmental protection.


Drilling units with cone penetration test equipment and a mobile road laboratory are used for field engineering and geological surveys. Soil laboratory of the company has all necessary modern equipment for determination of physical, mechanical, corrosion properties of soils, and chemical analysis of water and soils.

Иллюстрация: Инженерно-экологические изыская НИПИ ПЕГАЗ


The environmental division provides information on engineering and environmental conditions of the area of the projected construction, including both a comprehensive inspection of the environmental situation at the facility and inspection of all components individually. Technical report, forecast of environment changes, assessment and ecological recommendations on safety in the territory of construction are formed during construction works, operation of buildings and constructions.


Engineering and environmental surveys help to assess current state of the environment and to predict possible changes that may occur under the influence of anthropogenic loads.

Иллюстрация: Гидрометеорологические изыскания НИПИ ПЕГАЗ


Hydrometeorological surveys make it possible to assess the state of the hydrological regime of the study area, climatic conditions and certain meteorological indicators, hydrometeorological hazards and processes, as well as anthropogenic and technogenic changes in climatic and hydrological conditions.


Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys play a very important role in selection of sites for construction as they allow to assess probability of such dangerous processes as flooding of the territory with surface waters, erosion of banks and deformation of riverbeds, dangerous climatic phenomena, etc.

Иллюстрация: Землеустройство НИПИ ПЕГАЗ


The land arrangement division of engineering survey department of R&D Institute «PEGAZ» which consists of cadastral engineers in the field of land arrangement and forest management performs a full complex of land management works on development and approval of land arrangement documentation. Rich experience in registration of rights to the plot of land for construction of objects in different regions of the Russian Federation considering the procedures and requirements of PJSC "Gazprom", JSC "NK"Rosneft", JSC "Transneft", etc. is a great help at developing of documentation.


Land arrangement works are carried out in full accordance with the "Land", "Forest" and "Town-Planning" codes of the Russian Federation, the Federal law №221-FZ "On state real estate cadastre", the Federal law №122-FZ "on state registration of immovable property and its transactions", the Federal law №209-FZ "on land survey and cartography", government Resolution № 140 "On safe handling of pesticides and agricultural chemicals”; other regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Иллюстрация: Лазерное сканирование НИПИ ПЕГАЗ


Laser scanning and construction support of engineering survey of R&D Institute «PEGAZ» provides a detailed three-dimensional digital 3D model of areas with complex technological nodes and elements. These data are used to update as-built documentation for the reconstructed object, and for subsequent quality control of construction.